Inside this issue
5 Inside the OEM: Johnson & Johnson MedTech Maintaining Its Edge
10 Adhesive Bonding of Plastics in Medical Devices, Part 2: Material Properties of Plastics
R & D
18 Nanofiber Patch for Psoriasis
18 Device Detects Cancer in An Hour
Global Innovations
35 Soft Microelectronics Enable Wearable AI for Digital Health
From the Editor
2 From the Editor - Bipartisan Legislation Could Fast-Track Breakthrough Medical Devices
Videos of the Month
Tech Briefs
20 The Vital Role of TPE Tubing in Scalability and Rapid Deployment
21 Cardio Imaging Device Combines Two Modalities into Single System
24 A Step Toward Safer X-Rays with New Detector Technology
25 Hourglass-Shaped Stent Could Ease Severe Chest Pain from Microvascular Disease
28 Wearable Device for Cells Could Help Restore Brain Function
30 Researchers Develop Wireless Brain Neural Signal Recorder