Inside this issue
Implants and Prosthetic Devices: Helping the Body Reach its Full Potential
Going the Distance: Surgical Robotics and Remote Medical Care in the Battlefield
Mission Accomplished
Image-Capture Devices Extend Medicine’s Reach
Polymer Coats Leads on Implantable Medical Device
Tech Briefs
Zinc-Doped Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramic for Surgical Implants
Micro-Electrode Visual Inspection System Utilizing Image Processing Tools
Power-Assist Control Interface for Wheelchairs
Neuroprosthetics and Solutions for Restoring Sensorimotor Functions
Implantable Microsystems for Anatomical Rewiring of Brain Circuitry
Use of Recombinant Factor VIIa for Control of Combat-Related Hemorrhage
Biotic-Abiotic Interface Between the Body and an Artificial Limb