
Industrial Design & Human Factors

Here you'll find expert advice for industrial design engineers, including tips and strategies related to mass production, automation, and product features.


Blog: Design
To address the needs of wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) users in the U.K.’s transition to electric, Motability Operations has revealed eVITA. It’s an accessible and versatile concept electric wheelchair accessible vehicle (eWAV), designed in collaboration with CALLUM.
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Briefs: Design
Part 1 of this article looks at the general structure, design variants, and system design of ultrasonic medical handpieces. In a future issue, Part 2 will examine driver design, special applications, drive electronics, and failure mechanisms.
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Briefs: Design
Some people do not go the dentist out of fear, thereby risking a worsening of untreated tooth damage. However, some dental practices offer patients a gentle alternative: The Wand – STA System from Milestone Scientific.
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Podcasts: Design
Human factors engineering helps prevent errors and contributes to the successful use of the device.
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From the Editor: Design
Implantable medical devices may be nothing new — doctors have been inserting things like pacemakers and cochlear implants into their patients’ bodies for decades — but as the relationship between people and technology becomes ever more co-dependent.
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From the Editor: Design
The selection of colors for medical devices can be a complex process that takes into account various factors, including functionality, safety, aesthetics, branding, and regulatory requirements. But where do you start? See what Editor and Director of Medical Content Sherrie Trigg says.
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Features: Medical
The animal kingdom has fascinated man from the beginning of time. From the most minute organisms to undersea and land creatures that have perfectly evolved to adapt to their environments, we have looked...
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Trivia: Design
Invented in 1967, what device saved countless children from being poisoned?
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Owen Mumford has been awarded a distinction in the prestigious Red Dot awards for innovative product design for its Aidaptus single-use auto-injector, which the company launched in 2021....
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From the Editor: Design
Here are the winners of the 2022 Medical Design Briefs’ Readers’ Choice Products of the Year.
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Global Innovations: Data Acquisition
The fiber could lead to fiber-based smart clothes that provide greater versatility in functions, larger sensing areas, and greater comfort.
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Briefs: Medical
Technology developed by researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine can change skin tissue into blood vessels and nerve cells.
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Researchers from Queen Mary University of London are part of a consortium of 19 partners that will aid personalized healthcare by using virtual copies of objects. EDITH (Ecosystem for...
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R&D: Medical
Researchers have developed a hand prosthesis powered and controlled by the user’s breathing. The simple, lightweight device offers an alternative to Bowden cable-driven body-powered...
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Features: Design
Even before the pandemic disrupted patients’ in-person interactions with their healthcare providers, visionary designers had made significant...
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Technology Leaders: Materials
The need for innovations like multi-filar cables and multi-channel transmission cables has become more important than ever.
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Features: Manufacturing & Prototyping
Senior scientist Paula McDaniel tells MDB how to find and prevent material failures.
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Blog: Wearables
Growing older can bring both joy and hardship into our lives. Tasks that were once easy may become difficult as we age. However, with state-of-the-art technologies, the golden years can...
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Features: Packaging & Sterilization
Cleaning is a critical aspect of medical device design that is often overlooked during initial planning.
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Briefs: Test & Measurement
Light-based methods open many opportunities for medical applications.
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New research has demonstrated the feasibility of mass producing customized respiratory protection for healthcare workers with a comfortable close-fitting seal that is suitable...
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Features: Design
Developing IFUs for reusable devices presents a unique challenge that requires focused attention to ensure patient safety: the reprocessing method.
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A specific wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) light is not only extremely effective at killing the virus which causes COVID-19, but is also safer for use in public spaces, finds new research.
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Applications: Materials
The products that help stop the spread of communicable diseases range from simple to sophisticated.
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Technology Leaders: Design
Single-use surgical instruments designed to be disposed or recycled following use offer many benefits over reusable products.
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Special Reports: Photonics/Optics
Document cover
Medical Robotics - September 2021
Self-propelled nanobots that deliver drugs inside the human body...novel sensors that improve the safety and precision of industrial robots...a dynamic hydrogel material that makes building soft robotic devices...

Briefs: Medical
Deadlines are approaching for compliance.
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Products: Wearables
Reference design kits, smart textiles, thermoplastic elastomers, and more.
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Features: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Many new companies entering the market are planning a diagnostic roadmap of capabilities beyond their entry point of COVID-19 testing.
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Ask the Expert

Ralph Bright on the Power of Power Cords
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Understanding power system components and how to connect them correctly is critical to meeting regulatory requirements and designing successful electrical products for worldwide markets. Interpower’s Ralph Bright defines these requirements and explains how to know which cord to select for your application.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Trends in Packaging and Sterilization
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Eurofins Medical Device Testing (MDT) provides a full scope of testing services. In this interview, Eurofins’ experts, Sunny Modi, PhD, Director of Package Testing; and Elizabeth Sydnor, Director of Microbiology; answer common questions on medical device packaging and sterilization.
