Test & Measurement



Products: Medical
See the new products and services, including servo motor drives, leak testing equipment, rupture disk product selection, an automated regrinding system, and more.
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Products: Test & Measurement
The new products and services for March 2023, including pressure sensors, coaxial cable assemblies, a pressure switch, and more.
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Features: Test & Measurement
In recent years, ethical concerns over the use of live animals in testing have been increasing, particularly for cases not directly related to advancing human health.
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Supplements: Materials
In our summer edition of the MDB Resource Guide, learn about new cleaning requirements and find the right company to match your medical-design needs.
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Products: Test & Measurement
Test and Measurement are the subjects of this month's Product Focus.
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Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
The results from tests on animal brain tissues suggest it could help clinicians to better monitor both disease progression and patients’ response to treatment than is currently possible.
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Briefs: Materials

Trends in wearable technology follow those of the broader biomedical and electronics industries — devices are getting smaller, smarter, and easier to use. Specifically, wearables in...

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Features: Test & Measurement

Over the last few decades, additive manufacturing (AM)/ 3D printing has fundamentally changed the way that manufacturers approach product development. Industry is now...

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Supplements: Mechanical & Fluid Systems
In our summer edition of the MDB Resource Guide, learn about new cleaning requirements and find the right company to match your medical-design needs.
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From the Editor: Test & Measurement
Readers selected a product that could help manufacturers in their quest to build better ventilators to help fight the pandemic.
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Products: Medical
Micro-metallizer pens, sensor evaluation kits, single-use disposables, and more.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
The device infuses antibodies through the miniature fiber to the tumor to activate T cells around tumor cells.
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Supplements: Regulations/Standards
In our winter edition of the MDB Resource Guide, learn about new cleaning requirements and find the right company to match your medical-design needs.
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Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Light-based methods open many opportunities for medical applications.
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Products: Medical
Trackers, interferometers, laser sensors, and more.
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Products: AR/AI
Power entry modules, application processors, proximity testing services, and more.
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Features: Imaging
Despite the growth in MIS advancements over the last two decades, these techniques are still in their adolescence. There is much room for growth.
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Features: Materials
The advent of automatic drug-delivery devices has empowered patients to take their treatments in their own hands.
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Products: Test & Measurement
An evaluation kit form Sensirion enables ventilator manufacturers to take proximal measurements of respiratory gas rates.
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Briefs: Data Acquisition
The device combines near infrared light, time resolved spectroscopy, and diffuse correlation spectroscopy.
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Products: Imaging
Medical connectors, servo positioners, SMT jumpers, and more.
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Features: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Many new companies entering the market are planning a diagnostic roadmap of capabilities beyond their entry point of COVID-19 testing.
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Products: Motion Control
Barcode readers, risk-management software, servo drives, and more.
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INSIDER: Medical

A CRISPR-based diagnostic for COVID-19 can produce results in 30 minutes to an hour, with similar accuracy as the standard PCR diagnostics now used. STOPCovid could be made cheaply enough that people...

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Features: Test & Measurement
Regardless of the pace of production, quality control testing is still required to ensure that the products being sent to our front lines will perform as required.
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Features: Medical
Engineers are thinking of creative ways to design a packaging system that will ensure safe arrival of a medical device.
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News: Test & Measurement

Instron, a global manufacturer of materials testing equipment, is holding its first-ever virtual Biomedical Testing Open House. Scheduled for August 24–27, this online event will bring...

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Products: Materials
Shielding materials, static control, 3D printing software, and more.
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Products: Manufacturing & Prototyping
Position sensors, power clamps, CT scanners, and more.
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Ask the Expert

John Chandler on Achieving Quality Motion Control
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FAULHABER MICROMO brings together the highest quality motion technologies and value-added services, together with global engineering, sourcing, and manufacturing, to deliver top quality micro motion solutions. With 34 years’ experience, John Chandler injects a key engineering perspective into all new projects and enjoys working closely with OEM customers to bring exciting new technologies to market.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Selecting and Implementing Automation Solutions
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To find out more about selecting and implementing automation solutions, MDB recently spoke with Dave McMorrow, Technical Director, MMT Automation and Michael Wall, Technical Director, Somex Automation, an MMT company.
