

Briefs: Materials
It may be possible to use electrostatic actuators in artificial muscles thanks to research that made use of ferroelectric materials to create an electrostatic actuator that can generate a strong force at a low driving voltage.
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Features: Medical
Miniaturized sensor technology allows engineers to build more functionality into less space than ever before; but they require more battery power.
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Features: Power
Today’s increasingly challenging system requirements and accompanying shortened design cycles put more pressure than ever on medical equipment designers.
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Products: IoMT
IoT Prototyping Board Renesas, Tokyo, Japan, has introduced a low-power prototyping board that will simplify and speed up product development for IoT endpoint equipment including healthcare equipment. The RL78/G14...
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Products: Medical
Switching Power Supplies An AC/DC switching power supply series from Bicker Elektronik, Donauwoerth, Germany, has been developed for space-saving installation in medical devices and medical computer...
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INSIDER: Electronics & Computers
Researchers have discovered that radio frequency probes with structures inspired by microstrip patch antennas increase MRI resolution in high-frequency MRI machines, when compared to conventional surface coils used...
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INSIDER: Medical
Researchers have developed a contactless method for measuring blood flow in the upper limbs. The method is based on video recording of the skin surface under green light measuring the...
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INSIDER: Electronics & Computers
A new wireless, Band-Aid-like sensor could revolutionize the way patients manage hydrocephalus and potentially save the U.S. health care system millions of dollars. A...
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INSIDER: Electronics & Computers
According to new research, silk combined with carbon nanotubes may lead to a new generation of biomedical devices and so-called transient, biodegradable electronics.
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Biomedical Devices Powered by Human Respiration
The same piezoelectric effect that ignites a gas grill could one day power sensors in the body via human respiration. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), a piezoelectric polymer, to develop a host of biomedical devices that could monitor blood...

Ask the Expert

John Chandler on Achieving Quality Motion Control
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FAULHABER MICROMO brings together the highest quality motion technologies and value-added services, together with global engineering, sourcing, and manufacturing, to deliver top quality micro motion solutions. With 34 years’ experience, John Chandler injects a key engineering perspective into all new projects and enjoys working closely with OEM customers to bring exciting new technologies to market.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Trends in Packaging and Sterilization
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Eurofins Medical Device Testing (MDT) provides a full scope of testing services. In this interview, Eurofins’ experts, Sunny Modi, PhD, Director of Package Testing; and Elizabeth Sydnor, Director of Microbiology; answer common questions on medical device packaging and sterilization.
