
Patient Monitoring


INSIDER: Wearables
Transdermal Diagnostics, a University of Bath spinout company, has invented a wearable patch that allows people with diabetes to painlessly monitor their blood glucose levels. The company has...
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INSIDER: Medical
A wireless, bioelectronic pacifier could eliminate the need for invasive, twice-daily blood draws to monitor babies’ electrolytes in Newborn Intensive Care Units (NICUs).
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From the Editor: Wearables
Smartwatches: These ubiquitous wearables have become a powerful tool for diagnosis and health monitoring in areas ranging from cardiology to diabetes to the...
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INSIDER: Wearables
A noninvasive temperature measurement system delivers continuous data on body temperature. The SteadyTemp system consists of a temperature sensor integrated into a patch and an app that visualizes...
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INSIDER: Medical
An innovative device can save doctors critical time during life-or-death operations, like heart surgery. The real-time blood monitor provides instant blood analysis to let...
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R&D: Lighting
Researchers have developed a smart contact lens-type wearable device to prevent diabetic retinopathy and treat it in its early stages by irradiating 120 μW far red/LED light to the retina. This...
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R&D: Medical
Scientists have successfully tested in the lab a tiny biosensor they developed that can detect biomarkers tied to traumatic brain injuries. Researchers say their waterproof biosensor includes an...
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Briefs: Materials
A wireless, biodegradable sensor could offer doctors a way to monitor changes in brain chemistry without requiring a second operation to remove the implant, according to an...
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From the Editor: Medical
With a push from the pandemic, digital health began to transform healthcare delivery. It has been particularly useful for advancing remote cardiac care....
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INSIDER: Medical
Wearable electronic devices and biosensors are great tools for health monitoring, but it has been difficult to find convenient power sources for them. Now, a group of scientists from...
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INSIDER: Software
Researchers have designed a computer vision system that can automatically detect a tiny baby’s face in a hospital bed and remotely monitor its vital signs from a digital camera...
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News: Wearables
The inaugural virtual Medical Wearables for Biosensors conference convenes on October 25–26, 2021 with online access only. This event will explore...
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Blog: Wearables
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night, and in recent years, consumers have had the choice of a proliferating number of...
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Features: Automotive
Mobility tech also provides help to those with physical or cognitive challenges.
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INSIDER: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Smart contact lenses could soon become mainstream thanks to a new manufacturing process that has allowed researchers to develop a multifunctional ultra-thin sensor layer. The new contact...
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INSIDER: Medical
A new diagnostic test is an accurate and reliable method for determining whether individuals are protected against COVID-19. The technology identifies neutralizing antibodies — those...
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INSIDER: Medical
Researchers are developing a smart vaccine device that will both deliver the COVID-19 vaccine and measure its efficacy through monitoring the body’s associated response. The...
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Briefs: Medical
Sensors need to be flexible, stretchable, biodegradable, safe, and stable for use in the body.
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Briefs: Medical
The sensor measures how fingers interact with objects.
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R&D: Medical
A new, lightweight eye mask can unobtrusively capture pulse, eye movement, and sleep signals, for example, when worn in an everyday environment.
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Blog: Medical
An innovative device may turn one of the most widely used materials for biomedical applications into wearable devices to help monitor heart health. A team from Purdue University...
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R&D: Medical
Researchers have developed biomaterial-based inks that respond to and quantify chemicals released from the body.
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R&D: Wearables
A device to directly measure blood oxygen saturation in a fetus during labor could both reduce the rate of cesarean sections and improve outcomes in difficult deliveries.
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From the Editor: Medical
Has telehealth proven that it is a viable alternative for care? The answer is yes, according to Justin Williams, CEO of healthcare delivery platform Noteworth.
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Products: Electronics & Computers
Position sensors, power clamps, CT scanners, and more.
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Blog: Wearables
LifeSignals Group Inc. has announced that a single use, wireless biosensor patch for the early detection and monitoring of coronavirus symptoms...
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Blog: Design
Circadia Health has announced $3 million in medical devices and services toward COVID-19 relief efforts across the globe. The company has expedited the...
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Global Innovations: Medical
Soft pressure sensors have received significant research attention in a variety of fields, including soft robotics, electronic skin, and wearable electronics. Wearable soft pressure sensors have great potential for real-time health monitoring and for the early diagnosis of diseases.
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News: Medical
A wireless, wearable monitor built with stretchable electronics could allow comfortable, long-term health monitoring of adults, babies, and small children without concern for skin...
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Ask the Expert

John Chandler on Achieving Quality Motion Control
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FAULHABER MICROMO brings together the highest quality motion technologies and value-added services, together with global engineering, sourcing, and manufacturing, to deliver top quality micro motion solutions. With 34 years’ experience, John Chandler injects a key engineering perspective into all new projects and enjoys working closely with OEM customers to bring exciting new technologies to market.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Validating Your Sterilization Process
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To find out more about sterile product development and registration, MDB recently spoke with Elizabeth Sydnor, Director of Microbiology of Eurofins Medical Device Testing (Lancaster, PA). Read the interview.
