Power and Propulsion

Engine mechanical components


Technology Leaders: Mechanical & Fluid Systems
Healthcare providers now, more than ever, make critical patient care decisions based on the test results obtained from medical diagnostic instrumentation. The accuracy, precision,...
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Technology Leaders: Medical
Choosing the right fluid dispensing pump for a given application is critical. Whether it’s accuracy and precision or the need to perform for millions of cycles, understanding the most suitable types of...
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Features: Medical
Electric servo motors are rapidly replacing mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic actuation systems in plastic injection molds, particularly those used in medical cleanrooms,...
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Briefs: Medical
A team of researchers led by Caltech's Hyuck Choo has developed an eye implant for glaucoma patients that could one day lead to more timely and effective treatment.
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Briefs: Materials
Scientists have enlisted the exotic properties of graphene, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon, to function like the film of an incredibly sensitive...
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Applications: Medical
In many instances, thermoforming of heavy-gauge plastics (thicknesses of 1.5 mm/.060 in. or greater) is the technology of choice for manufacturers and...
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Briefs: Medical
Dr. Mark Rodefeld, a pediatric heart surgeon at Indiana University, has spent decades helping to fix children’s hearts. He found one problem particularly vexing, leading to years of his own research...
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Briefs: Medical
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) say that manufacturers may soon have a speedy and nondestructive way to test a wide array of materials under real-world...
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Briefs: Medical
Demand for miniature motion components follows trends. Not too long ago, the motion systems used in medical and lab automation equipment had technical requirements that were easy to...
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Applications: Medical
Heavy-duty gas springs are often used to replace or supplement human power when lifting or lowering heavy loads such as lids, hoods, and flaps in construction and...
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Technology Leaders: Medical
The results of recent surveys suggest that more than half of all healthcare decisions are made using test results obtained from medical diagnostic instrumentation. These tests are...
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Briefs: Medical
New research in robotics to help with stroke rehabilitation, guide wheelchairs, and assist children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are some of the projects now being funded by the National...
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Briefs: Motion Control
The pipette is a basic fluid control tool for transferring tiny amounts of liquids. Electronic or motorized pipettes are an ergonomic alternative to manual pipettes and an efficient way to increase...
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Technology Leaders: Medical
The provisioning of medical gases to hospitals, mobile health providers, and in-patient care environments requires absolute conformance to stringent industry standards. As a...
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Applications: Medical
For patients who have lost a leg, regaining mobility is a top priority. However, development of more true-to-nature prosthetic limbs and joints has come an amazingly...
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Features: Medical
When one thinks of the term “disposable”, the first impression might be to associate the item as one being low cost and not requiring much precision in manufacturing....
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Features: Medical
The phrase, "May you live in interesting times" certainly applies to today's medical device design engineers, as they face unprecedented opportunities and challenges...
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Briefs: Medical
Various machines have been developed to address the need for countermeasures of bone and muscle deterioration when humans operate over extended time in space. Even though these...
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Applications: Electronics & Computers
Nikolay V. Vasilyev, MD, and Pedro J. del Nido, MD, in the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, are developing novel, prototype...
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Features: Medical
Among medical devices, there is a range of fluid management needs, each with its own unique needs and functions. The field of fluidics may broadly be divided into macro- and micro-applications. The former...
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Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Miniaturization of medical devices offers tangible advantages to clinicians and patients alike. Smaller pill cams, for example, are more easily ingested. Likewise, smaller hearing aids are...
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Briefs: Medical
From R&D in the laboratory to production process control, from disposable component assembly to OEM diagnostic instrumentation, a broad array of medical and medical support...
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Briefs: Medical
The Magnetic Plungerless Injection System (MPIS) was invented to enhance the therapeutic value and market availability of parenterally delivered pharmaceuticals and vaccines. The MPIS is a mechanical...
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Ask the Expert

Eric Dietsch on the Benefits of Nitinol Wire
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In collaboration with the Fort Wayne Metals Engineering team, Eric Dietsch focuses on supporting customers with material recommendations, product development, and education. Eric is available to help you and your company with any Nitinol-related questions or needs that you may have.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Establishing Safe EO Sterilization for Medical Devices
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To find out more about the expertise required to establish a safe and effective EO Sterilization for medical devices, MDB recently spoke with Elizabeth Sydnor, director of microbiology for Eurofins Medical Device Testing (Lancaster, PA).
