Electrical, Electronics, and Avionics



R&D: Medical
A new method of evaluating irregular heartbeats outperformed the approach that’s currently used widely in stroke units to detect instances of atrial fibrillation (Afib). The technology, called...
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Applications: Medical
The value of highly accurate, automated, and measurable testing for medical devices cannot be overestimated. As devices become more complex, and patient care becomes increasingly...
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Mission Accomplished: Software
By mid-1963, American astronauts had visited space on six different occasions, all as part of NASA’s first human space flight program, the Mercury Program. During the final Mercury...
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Ask the Expert

John Chandler on Achieving Quality Motion Control
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FAULHABER MICROMO brings together the highest quality motion technologies and value-added services, together with global engineering, sourcing, and manufacturing, to deliver top quality micro motion solutions. With 34 years’ experience, John Chandler injects a key engineering perspective into all new projects and enjoys working closely with OEM customers to bring exciting new technologies to market.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Establishing Safe EO Sterilization for Medical Devices
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To find out more about the expertise required to establish a safe and effective EO Sterilization for medical devices, MDB recently spoke with Elizabeth Sydnor, director of microbiology for Eurofins Medical Device Testing (Lancaster, PA).
