Electrical, Electronics, and Avionics

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Features: Imaging
This article explores key modalities like ultrasound, MRI, OCT, x-ray, CT, and PET, as well as several emerging trends that are driving performance improvements. Read on to learn more.
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Features: Imaging
With a view to the absolute safety of patients, medical device manufacturers must be aware of the potential risks of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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Briefs: Imaging
Photoacoustic imaging, which combines optical and acoustic modalities, is enabling some of the most promising medical research.
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R&D: Medical
Using an office-based human-sized version of this non-invasive device, it may prove possible to cure Alzheimer’s by delivering drugs and genes to specified tracts in the brain under real-time imaging guidance.
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Briefs: Materials
It may look like a bizarre bike helmet, or a piece of equipment found in Doc Brown’s lab in Back to the Future, yet this gadget made of plastic and copper wire is a...
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Briefs: AR/AI
AI enables examination of hearts for scar tissue, eliminating the need for contrast injections.
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Features: Imaging
Before you select RF components for an MRI machine, make sure you first understand the basic physics of the technology.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
The tool shows promise for imaging brain activity in 3D with high speed and contrast.
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Briefs: Materials
The stretchable fabric is embroidered with conductive threads that provide excellent signal-to-noise ratio.
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R&D: Materials
Researchers have developed a low-cost, “intelligent” metamaterial that could revolutionize magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), making the entire MRI process faster, safer, and more accessible to...
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Briefs: Medical
National Institutes of Health researchers, along with researchers at Siemens, have developed a high-performance, low-magnetic-field MRI system that vastly improves image quality of the lungs and...
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Features: Electronics & Computers
For many high-power RF applications, the “Q factor” of embedded capacitors is one of the most important characteristics in the design of circuits. This includes products such as cellular/telecom...
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R&D: Imaging
A new way to image calcium activity is based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and allows them researchers to peer much deeper into the brain. Using this technique, they can track signaling...
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R&D: Imaging
Without a way to prove that a new MRI technique is safe for all women, clinical MRIs haven't been able to keep pace with the latest advances in MRI research. More informative cancer detection...
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R&D: Medical
Researchers have developed and tested an MR coil for high-quality imaging of the whole mouse. Such coils are required for preclinical studies of drugs, as well as for targeted examination of various body...
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R&D: Medical
A 3D printed biopsy robot is propelled by cylinders driven by air pressure. With the help of hoses that supply the air, the control of the robot can be placed outside the MRI scanner. The...
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Briefs: Medical
Defects in the lattice of diamonds produce more than just beautiful coloration. A new approach developed by researchers at UC Berkeley's College of...
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Briefs: Medical
What if you could hold a physical model of your own brain in your hands, accurate down to its every unique fold? That's just a normal part of life for Steven Keating, PhD, who had a...
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Technology Leaders: Motion Control
CT scanners have far greater accuracy than x-ray technology but place more demands on patients. Getting the high precision, three-dimensional images necessary for accurate diagnosis...
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R&D: Medical
Researchers are working on “erasable” contrast agents that would have the ability to blink off, on command, thereby revealing their location in the body.
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Features: Electronics & Computers
The ideal contract manufacturer is more than a transactional supplier; rather, it is a partner that improves the product and process. Printed circuit boards (PCBs) and electronic...
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Briefs: Medical
A new optical imaging system developed at Columbia University uses red and near-infrared light to identify breast cancer patients who will respond...
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Briefs: Medical
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories want to use small magnetic sensors to image the brain in a way that's simpler and less expensive than the magnetoencephalography system now used.
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Global Innovations: Medical
An international research team has developed a device capable of improving the performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units. The technology is based on local...
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Briefs: Medical
In tests, a swarm of robots measuring a few millionths of a meter long — about the size of a blood cell — were guided magnetically to sites in the stomach of rats. The robots were manufactured by...
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Features: Photonics/Optics
Advances in CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) imaging sensor (CIS) module technology are shrinking pixel size, allowing more pixels to fit into a...
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Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
A new type of pressure sensor is based on micro-optomechanical systems (MOMS) technology. Developed by imec, a research and innovation hub focusing on...
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Briefs: Imaging
A biopsy robot made from 3D printed plastic can be used in an MRI scanner. The advantage of plastic is that the robot can carry out a biopsy (removing a piece of tissue) during a breast cancer scan in...
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R&D: Medical
A technology being developed could provide an affordable, smart, self-learning device that, when placed into existing MRI machines, could allow medical professionals to monitor patients more...
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Ask the Expert

John Chandler on Achieving Quality Motion Control
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FAULHABER MICROMO brings together the highest quality motion technologies and value-added services, together with global engineering, sourcing, and manufacturing, to deliver top quality micro motion solutions. With 34 years’ experience, John Chandler injects a key engineering perspective into all new projects and enjoys working closely with OEM customers to bring exciting new technologies to market.

Inside Story

Inside Story: Validating Your Sterilization Process
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To find out more about sterile product development and registration, MDB recently spoke with Elizabeth Sydnor, Director of Microbiology of Eurofins Medical Device Testing (Lancaster, PA). Read the interview.
