Automation Products Group (Logan, UT) offers the PG5 digital pressure gauge that features a five-digit display. The gauge uses MEMS-based sensing technology, and incorporates user-selectable setup features. It provides 0.01-digit resolution through 100 PSI, and is available with ranges from vacuum to 500 PSI, and from 0 to 10,000 PSI at ±0.25%. The unit is self-powered by a standard 9-volt battery.
The gauge incorporates an all-stainless-steel sensor that is resistant to vibration and shock. It features a microprocessor-based circuit with TARE capability standard. User-selectable functions include auto-off, maximum and minimum readings, and units of measure (psi, bar, mbar, kPa, etc.). Standard features include a bar graph analog readout, peak hold, and gauge reference pressure. Available options include 4-20 mA two-wire, loop-powered output; 0-2 VDC battery powered output; and 0-5 VDC external power outputs. Other options are absolute, sealed, or vacuum pressure references; and process connection fittings. Applications include laboratory and medical settings where standard 2.5" or larger mechanical gauges are required.
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