A research team has developed a 3D imaging sensor that has an extremely high angular resolution, which is the capacity of an optical instrument to distinguish points of an object separated by a small angular distance, of 0.0018°. The innovative sensor operates on a unique angle-to-color conversion principle, allowing it to detect 3D light fields across the x-ray to visible light spectrum.

Light-field sensing could also enable surgeons to accurately image a patient’s anatomy at varying depths, allowing them to make more precise incisions and better assess a patient’s risk of injury.

At the core of the novel light-field sensor are inorganic perovskite nanocrystals — compounds that have excellent optoelectronic properties. Due to their controllable nanostructures, perovskite nanocrystals are efficient light emitters, with an excitation spectrum that spans x-rays to visible light. The interactions between perovskite nanocrystals and light rays can also be tuned by carefully altering their chemical properties or by introducing small amounts of impurity atoms. (Image credit: National University of Singapore)

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