Linear DC Power Supply

RIGOL, Portland, OR, has released the next generation of its programmable linear DC power supplies. The DP2000 is a benchtop power supply that features three fully isolated channels with automatic internal series and parallel connections and an intuitive 4.3 in. touchscreen. The power supply delivers high resolution for measuring low-range currents down to 1 μA, a high-speed sampling mode, an arbitrary output mode with a 1 ms dwell time, and low output noise and ripple < 350 μVrms. A high-speed arbitrary output mode is made of up to 512 arbitrary points with dwell time down to 1 millisecond and the ability to edit waveforms including sine waves, square waves, ramps, pulses, or stair step functions.
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800 W Power Supply

COSEL, Tokyo, Japan, has introduced 800-W free-air convection cooling power supplies. The AEA800F delivers 300 percent peak power for a period of up to 3,000 milliseconds. Designed for applications requiring a high level of safety, the power supplies are approved in accordance with ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1, and EN 60601-1 3rd edition for medical applications. They are suitable for body floating (BF) applications and comply with 2MOPP (IN/OUT) and 1MOPP (OUT/FG) safety requirement. Three output voltages are available: 24, 36, and 48 V with respective current ratings of 34 A (Peak 72.5 A), 22.7 A (Peak 48.4 A), and 17 A (Peak 36.3 A).
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Medical-Grade Power Supply

RAM Technologies, Guilford, CT, has released a 650 W SFX medical-grade power supply. The PFC650SFX power supply complies with a range of safety approvals, including EN 60601-1 3.2, EN 61000, and EN 55011. It meets 2× MOPP (means of patient protection) and is ATX 3.0 compliant. A choice of outputs are available, including the 12VHPWR PCIe 5.0 connector for high-end medical imaging applications. It features the company’s unique MultiLoop technology and uses the latest silicon carbide (SiC) technology. It has over 500,000 hours MTBF and over eight years of expected life.
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DC-DC Converters

Four new families of 15-W high-density DC-DC converters are available in the DIP-16 footprint from TRACO, San Jose, CA. Input ranges of 2:1 or 4:1 are offered with or without an integral heatsink-case design. The four families are TEL 15N (2:1 Input range), TEL15N-HS (2:1 input with heatsink), TEL 15WIN (4:1 input), and TEL15WIN-HS (4:1 input with heatsink). The DIP-16 package without heatsink measures only 0.54 × 0.94 × 0.40 in. The families cover input ranges from 12/24/48 Vin with single and dual outputs ranging from 5.1 to 24 Vout. Nonheatsink models support full-load convection-cooled operation up to +55 °C (ambient). Heatsink models support extended operation up to +70 °C (convection-cooled & ambient).
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