BIOMEDevice Boston 2022: Bringing Innovation to Life
BIOMEDevice Boston brings engineers, business leaders, disruptive companies, and innovative thinkers from the region’s top startups and medical device OEMs together to inspire the next life-changing medical devices. BIOMEDevice bridges the gap between the present and the future. The event is designed so that attendees can source the solutions needed today, and also gain access to medtech technology changing the trajectory of the industry.
BIOMEDevice features three areas located on the expo floor where attendees can learn from industry thought leaders, watch demonstrations, ask questions, and get answers from leading subject matter experts. Join the MedTech community looking for new technology, inspiration, and innovation. Explore the content offerings taking place on the show floor including, Center Stage, Tech Theater, and Start-Up Stadium.
Center Stage
Center Stage will feature educational sessions focused on high-growth areas in medtech, including:
- Robotics
- Digital Health
- Materials
- AI & Machine Learning
- Start-ups
- Device Cybersecurity
Tech Theater
Gain a deeper technical insight from the experts in 30-minute supplier-hosted sessions on the latest industry topics and trends.
Start-Up Stadium
Featuring live pitches from MassMEDIC’s 2022 IGNITE cohort of medtech innovators, an exclusive Q&A session with BIOMEDevice’s keynote speaker, Erika Cheung, and podcasts recorded live, hosted by Project Medtech and Medical Device Success.

BIOMEDevice is teaming up with MassMEDIC to bring attendees the Master Class Start-up Series. This conference program will feature finance focused content tailored to what growing companies need to know in this evolving marketplace. Join us in the Master Class Start-up Series to receive an overview of the medtech investment landscape, an inside look at various funding vehicles – from strategics, to venture capital – and everything in between, and connect with those who have done it to hear their tips for success.

Erika Cheung is the Executive Director of Ethics in Entrepreneurship, a nonprofit organization with the mission to embed ethical questioning, culture, and systems in start-up ecosystems worldwide.
Cheung began her career working as a medical researcher in the biotechnology industry and is most famously known for being a key whistle-blower reporting the medical-diagnostic company Theranos to health regulators.
Cheung went on to help launch a technology accelerator in Hong Kong supporting early-stage technology investments across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. She continues to advise and support the development of biotechnology and healthcare initiatives across the APAC region.

Christopher Gates is director of product security for Velentium, a professional engineering specializing in the end-to-end design, development, and manufacturing of therapeutic and diagnostic active medical devices.
Gates has over 30 years of experience developing and securing medical devices and works with numerous industry-leading device manufacturers. He frequently collaborates with regulatory and standard bodies including the NTIA, MITRE, Bluetooth SIG, IEEE, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the FDA to present, define, and codify tools, techniques, and processes that enable the creation of secure medical devices.
He promotes the “secure development lifecycle,” the industry-leading approach that ultimately eases the burden on developers and ensures high-quality products that work as intended to save and improve lives.
He joined Velentium in 2017 because he had previously collaborated with the company as a contractor and had seen firsthand that its values are exemplified by its founders. “In a world where most companies are only motivated by financial interest, Velentium routinely has moral discussions about the best approach for its clients, its staff, and the world. Every employee engages each project with the mindset that the equipment we’re designing might one day be used to save our own loved ones.”
This motivation is not a mere thought exercise. When his first grandchild was born prematurely, before the baby’s lungs could fully close, Christopher visited him in the NICU. There, he noticed that a handful of the machines allowing his grandson to breathe were among the devices he himself had helped design.

Dean Kamen is an inventor, an entrepreneur, and a tireless advocate for science and technology. His roles as inventor and advocate are intertwined — his own passion for technology and its practical uses has driven his personal determination to spread the word about technology’s virtues and by so doing to change the culture of the United States.
As an inventor, he holds more than 1000 U.S. and foreign patents, many of them for innovative medical devices that have expanded the frontiers of health care worldwide. While still a college undergraduate, he invented the first wearable infusion pump, which rapidly gained acceptance from such diverse medical specialties as oncology, neonatology, and endocrinology. In 1976, he founded his first medical device company, AutoSyringe, Inc., to manufacture and market the pumps. Then, working with leading diabetes researchers, Dean pioneered the design and adoption of the first portable insulin pump. It was quickly demonstrated that using a pump could much more effectively control patients’ blood glucose levels. At age 30, he sold AutoSyringe to Baxter Healthcare Corporation.
Following the sale of AutoSyringe, Inc., he founded DEKA Research & Development Corporation to develop internally generated inventions as well as to provide research and development for major corporate clients. Kamen led DEKA’s development of the HomeChoice™ peritoneal dialysis system for Baxter International Inc. The HomeChoice™ system allows patients to be dialyzed in the privacy and comfort of their home. It quickly became the worldwide market leader. Kamen also led the development of technology to improve slide preparation for the CYTYC (now Hologic Inc.) ThinPrep® Pap Test. Kamen-led DEKA teams have also developed critical components of the UVARTM XTSTM System, an extracorporeal photophereisis device marketed by Therakos, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, for treatment of T-Cell lymphoma. An advanced prosthetic arm in development for DARPA should advance the quality of life for returning injured soldiers. Other notable developments include the Hydroflex™ surgical irrigation pump for C.R. Bard, the Crown™ stent, an improvement to the original Palmaz-Schatz stent, for Johnson & Johnson, the iBOTTM mobility device, and the Segway ® Human Transporter.
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