An Arm-based architecture dedicated to HPEC applications is available from Kontron, Augsburg, Germany. VX6124, a 6U VPX 200k+ DMIPS processing blade, features 40G/100G Ethernet connectivity for HPEC architectures, including IoT gateways. The VX6124 NXP Layerscape LX2160A processor is coupled with up to 32GB DDR4 memory and XMC slot. The design has been especially designed to best support the main CPU and optional XMC mezzanine such as Kontron XMC-GPU91 Radeon E9171. It can also be equipped with the Kontron APPROTECT-Security Chip, which prevents reverse engineering of executable codes, while enabling a strict, hardware-enforced control over the copies of the program allowed to run on any VX6124.
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