Spectrum Solutions, LLC has been granted an Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its SDNA-1000 saliva collection device. The self-contained saliva collection kit provides critical sample consistency while suspending and neutralizing viral RNA transcripts completely inactivating the live virus. Additionally, the SDNA-1000 stabilizes and protects saliva samples making both sample collection and transport for COVID-19 testing easy.

Spectrum and Rutgers Clinical Genomics Laboratory (RUCDR, now IBX) first identified, then introduced the nation to the key benefits of using saliva collected exclusively with the SDNA-1000 saliva collection system as a better viral diagnostic biomaterial for COVID-19 detection. Receiving its first EUA authorization from the FDA in March confirmed saliva’s tremendous diagnostic value and Spectrum’s innovative saliva collection device. COVID-19 saliva-based tests have already been sold and conducted using the SDNA-1000 under this previous EUA authorization held by RUCDR. However, this initial authorization limited broader access to saliva-based diagnostic testing, and restricted availability with only one testing platform ran by a single authorized lab.
This EUA authorization decision by the FDA successfully expands saliva-based testing access and availability through the validation of the SDNA-1000 saliva collection system on the broader range of platforms and assays currently being used by labs across the nation for immediate and seamless integration. Qualified commercial RNA extraction chemistries include Perkin Elmer, Thermo Fisher, Roche, and Qiagen.

“Saliva is a more robust biomaterial to facilitate molecular testing,” says Stephen Fanning, CEO of Spectrum Solutions. “Collected samples consistently demonstrate higher levels of testing accuracy, and the SDNA-1000 also offers the highest levels of safety by inactivating the live virus mitigating risks of exposure from the collection through shipping, to sample processing at the lab.”
Spectrum’s biomaterial collection system additionally provides:
- Mass-testing scalability and integration through validated and supported processes.
- EUA authorized for over 10 days of post-collection stability for COVID-19 saliva samples with no degradation in sample efficacy.
- EUA validated viral inactivation data.
- First device authorized for at-home and unassisted sample self-collection.
“The SDNA-1000 was engineered to innovate molecular diagnostic applications using saliva,” says Jeremy Johnson, VP of Engineering at Spectrum Solutions. “It’s exciting to offer labs the opportunity and freedom to explore additional DNA or viral RNA avenues for combating this pandemic and other viral infections with a safer biomaterial and a single biosample collection device.”