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In the world of medical technology, the hardest part for OEMs is often training physicians. Historically it has involved travel to a training site and a lot of time invested by the doctors and the medical device companies. Virtual reality (VR) has been making inroads into healthcare, and a new technology may change the way medtech companies train clinicians to use their devices.
Medoptic , Tampa, FL, has developed the Virtual Medical Observation (VMO), a VR system that provides surgeons with 4-K resolution and 3-D, live-stitched virtual reality feeds with just 200 ms of latency — delivering a fully immersive, real-time view of the entire operatory theater. While many VR systems require hours of post-production, all post-production for MedOptic’s device is done in real time with its 3D stitching software.
According to Medoptic co-founder and CEO, Erik Maltais, the technology means that surgeons can now “scrub-in virtually to assist attending surgeons on complex surgeries in underserved rural markets, sub-level 3 trauma centers, and hospitals around the globe.”
Maltais says that the VR headset can be used anywhere. Unlike traditional telemedicine that uses a monitor, once physicians put on the Medoptic headset, they are transported into the surgical suite, with complete control over where they look and what they see. They can switch between views without disturbing the surgeon or patient. The system is connected to the medical device, and they are given a code to log in via the headset to begin observing and interacting — and can even ask questions in real time.
The company received first-round funding and filed for patents in 2018 and is beginning to work with OEMs in 2019.